KNOW, GROW and GO in God’s story!
The concept of Deep Hope can be an abstract idea even for experienced teachers. But Sandra Vroon, a first-grade teacher at Legacy ChristianSchool, found words to make her classroom’s Deep Hope clear to her and her students: the first graders would KNOW God’s story, GROW in their love and knowledge of that story, and GO tell others His Story. Sandra introduced her Deep Hope as her prayer for her students: prayer was a concrete concept they were familiar with and could more easily grasp. Sandra and her students explored her Deep Hope further by creating a classroom book that unpacked the concept. She then invited her students’ parents to share their Deep Hopes for their children and place those Deep Hopes on children’s clipboards so they could see them often. Finally, Sandra had her students wrote their own DeepHopes, which were compiled into another classroom book. These first graders demonstrated concretely that they were able to KNOW, GROW and GO in God’s story!