Instruments of Change
Cari’s hope was for students to learn to be Community Builders as they showed kindness to others in our community, to be Image Reflectors by showing God’s love through their actions, and to be Beauty Creators through art & music
In October, students were invited into the FLEx by discussing why Christmas might not be a joy-filled time for everyone, ways in which we could make a difference & bring a change to their lives. Students thought about the Real Needs of our community, the Real People we could help, and the Real Work that could be done.

The Kindergarten to Grade 3 students began learning several songs from a musical called C.A.K.E: ChristmasActs of Kindness while the Grade 4 to 7 students participated with a few songs, through the Modern Band program, in which they learned parts for the bass guitar, keyboard, drums, and vocals. Tying this FLEx journey all together was a drama script in the musical, that told the story of ways in which the characters in the nativity story showed acts of kindness. Classes participated over the next couple of months following the patterns of these nativity characters.
Students learned about the different organizations that help people in our community. They heard stories about various groups of people who are homeless and what their lives are like. They were able to participate in various acts of kindness to help people who are in need of food, clothing, love, friendship, etc.
Following the actions of the Innkeeper, each class participated with the Cloverdale ChristmasHampers by collecting non-perishable items for the community. The Grade 7students later helped sort & pack the hampers. Students in the Grade 5 class helped prepare food for meals that are served at the Cloverdale Kitchen and will continue to do this throughout the rest of the year. The Grade 6 students handed out food for the local Food Bank & they spent a couple of evenings at NightShift where they handed out supper, coffee & hot chocolate as well as clothing items to those who identify as homeless.

Students created various types of ‘gifts’ just as the Wisemen had brought gifts to Jesus. The Grades 5, 4, 3 and K/1 class participated in creating care packages for The Gateway of Hope, a local organization that helps homeless people and those living on the street. The Gr 3 class wrote letters to local dentists asking for donations and they received many generous donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes and dental floss. It was very exciting for the students. A highlight for the students was to be able to drop off their care packages - a great way to see where their gifts were going!
Some classes made cards & ornaments for the residents of The Manor (a senior’s building behind the school), The Gateway of Hope and the Christmas hampers.

The Angels & Shepherds played a role in sharing the birth of Jesus with others. So, our Grade 2 class reached out to the residents of The Manor by creating a video of them singing several songs. These students also learned to sew and they made special handmade ornaments for their ‘grandfriends’. The Grade class dropped off handmade cards at the Manor filled with messages of hope & joy. The Choir spread the news of Jesus’ birth by carol singing in the neighborhood, by local shops & cafes.

Students also lit up our school and Hillside Community Church, by creating ornaments, decorating trees, making paper snowflakes, and creating posters to share the good news of Jesus’ birth.

Students have been reflecting upon this journey & experience and classes are already looking forward to continuing in sharing God’s love & acts of kindness throughout the rest of the year and years to come.